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Car Insurance

How can I keep my car insurance costs low?

The first thing to do is bargain shop to make sure that the rates you are getting are reasonable in comparison to other companies...

What coverage is essential for my auto policy?

You will need to have liability coverage, property damage, and bodily injury...

How do I file an auto insurance claim?

A few tips to ensure that you claim correctly and receive your money as quickly as possible...

How much is it possible to save by comparison shopping?

There are many factors that are taken into account by the issuing company...

What deductible should I have on my car insurance?

Usually it is most cost efficient to get a large deductible which will drastically reduce the amount you pay for the service...

Should I keep collision coverage on my old car?

Collision coverage ensures the repair of your car whether you were at fault or not...

Does my car affect my insurance rate?

It is a good idea to check the insurance rates that are given to certain cars before you buy them...

How significantly does my address affect my insurance?

There is a big difference in the premiums that people pay...

Should I pay monthly or semi-annually?

Monthly payments are convenient and you don't have to pay as much at once...

How else can I save on insurance?

There are a variety of discounts available from the insurance company for all sorts of reasons...

What will worker's compensation cover if I ever need it?

Worker's compensation will only cover you for injuries that occur on the job site...

What exactly is long-term care insurance and how does it work?

With long-term care insurance (LTCI), you are guaranteed to be paid a certain amount of money towards care for a specified length of time...

What should I consider when choosing a long-term insurance provider?

It is important to look at the stability of the company that you are looking into, because they need to be there when you are in your time of need...

What can I do to get a good price on my homeowner's insurance?

Clearly you should always perform a good amount of due diligence when searching for any policy...

What level of home insurance should I buy?

Make sure that you are insured against whatever natural disasters are common in your area, because insurance against these differs...

What can I do to ensure that I am insured adequately?

Make a list of your possessions in your household. The better documented this is the more likely you will be to be able to replace them...

What deductible should I have?

It is always a good idea to keep the deductible as high as you are comfortable with...

What other ways can I decrease my home insurance costs?

If a home has a sophisticated alarm system and/or a sprinkler system to prevent against fires, the insurance company may drop the price of a policy...

When should I review my policy?

At least once a year, you may want to look over your policy...

Life Insurance FAQ

How are people classified for rate purposes?

To ensure that you receive the best rate possible it is useful to understand how these premiums are calculated by insurers...

What should I be on the lookout for when I am purchasing life insurance?

First of all, beware that many insurance salespeople work on a commission basis...

How can I easily compare prices between insurance companies?

In most states there will be a set of rules laid down by a group of insurance regulators...

Why should I have life insurance? Do I really need it?

The main reason that people purchase life insurance is to know that in the event of their passing, their children and loved ones will be taken care of...

What amount of life insurance should I have?

In order to figure out how much insurance you need, you will need to explore your current household expenses...

Which type of life insurance fits me best?

There are 7 major types of life insurance...

Long-Term Care Insurance FAQ

Is it worthwhile for me to purchase long term insurance?

There are good arguments for and against purchasing this type of insurance...

What features should I look for in a Long-Term Care Insurance Policy?

The four main factors that you will want to take into consideration when looking for a LTCI policy are...

Do I really need Long-Term Care Insurance?

Over 40% of the American population will eventually need to be in a nursing home or an assisted living facility...

What is the elimination period?

The elimination period is the time you will need to wait from the time you are ready to get the long term insurance...

How are Long Term Insurance Companies rated?

These companies are rated in the same manner in which stocks and bonds are rated...

How can I ensure that I have adequate coverage?

Make sure that your policy can be renewed every year...

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